Seek at Work Aftercare
An 8 week aftercare plan to guide you through, step by step, recovering from pregnancy loss. At home education and practices, created by experts in integrated healthcare.
Welcome from our Founder
What this aftercare plan contains
Meet the Experts
Introduction to Seek's Self Care Practices with Debi Simpson
The importance of Sanctuary, taking care of yourself through your environment
Aromatherapy and Essential oils for calming the nervous system
Introduction to sensory practices and touch therapies
Tend to The Heart Guided Ritual with Debi Simpson
How are my hormones affected?
Hormone Rebalancing Plan
Hormone Balancing Bliss Balls Recipe from Aviva Romm-- Specialist in Intergrative Medicine
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The importance of being aware of breath during times of stress
A Calming Breath Practice with Debi Simpson
The importance of rest
Yoga Nidra Audio Practice with Debi Simpson
Restorative Yoga and Conscious Rest Practice with Debi Simpson
Sleep and dreaming
Creating the right environment for sleep
Bedtime ritual and at home pillow spray recipe
The importance of gentle movement
Shaking Medicine Practice with Debi Simpson
Understanding our feelings and emotions
'Today Im Feeling' Practice
Breathwork and Sound Therapy Practice with Vanessa Naumann- Introduction
Breathwork and Sound Therapy Practice with Vanessa Naumann- Practice
Tapping- what is it and how can I use it?
Tapping for emotional release with Debi Simpson
Introduction to the importance of communicating your needs
Talking Practice
Let's talk about trauma
Introduction to Seek's Pelvic Reconnection & Trauma Release Practice, with Sascha Anna Vriend
Seek's Pelvic Re-Connection & Trauma Release Practice, with Sascha Anna Vriend
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Self Touch Re-Connect Introduction with Marie-Sophie Kiespe
Self Touch Re-Connect Practice with Marie-Sophie Kiepe
Creating a safe space to connect sexually with a partner
Honouring and Releasing
Honouring Practice- can be done with or without a partner
Finding a way forward
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